Using locally produced foods to Feed Salone is a government priority. Dependence upon imports can be reduced, forex saved and farmers motivated to supply local markets
Our products are made without Artificial Preservatives

Bennimix will meet the nutritional needs of your infant from six months so they ‘Grow smart and grow strong’.

Agriculture Development
Our outgrowers’ scheme supports farmer-families by providing a secure market for their crops post-harvest

Mothers will love the way their infant thrives on BenniMix. A satisfied infant helps make a healthy happy family.

Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture
At BFC we support a nutrition sensitive approach. Once established pigeon peas can be maintained for 3-5 years.
As this young woman stated: “Farming for BenniMix has given me an income. I know ‘conso’ is good for our land as I can produce it without chemicals. Now I have access to a (secure) market after I harvest we can plan ahead:
I can help feed my younger brothers and sisters and pay their school fees.”

Writing a business plan is to carefully think through every step
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Feed Salone